What is an

Other Transaction Agreement?

An Other Transaction Agreement (OTA) is an acquisition instrument which allows agencies to enter into transactions “other than” standard Government contracts, grants and cooperative agreements.

OTAs are not subject to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), DoD FAR Supplement (DFARS) and many other statutes and regulations associated with Federal Government contracting.

OTAs provide a commonsense, flexible, efficient, and user-friendly way of linking Government buyers and commercial sellers of advanced technologies.

OTAs replace nothing. They are simply an additional tool that Congress has authorized to help Government program managers accomplish their mission.

Benefits of OTA

  • Broadens the available technology base by providing a pathway for companies and institutions to participate in the Federal marketplace, particularly for those not interested in pursuing standard Government contracts.
  • Serves as a platform for collaboration to leverage commercial innovation and investments in technology.
  • Enables more flexible and efficient project design and execution.
  • Provides for seamless transition from development, across the Valley of Death into production.
  • Accelerates delivery of innovation to the American people.

Notional Project Award Process

